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Construction of Phase 4 of the transformational streetscape project continues this summer on Ingersoll Avenue. A public meeting was held on Feb. 20 to outline the project goals, timeline and impact for this season. Watch the full recording of the meeting below.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding the project. 

What areas will be under construction in 2024? Phase 4 will impact Ingersoll Avenue between 28th–31st Streets.

What are the project goals for Phase 4? The project goals of Phase 4 are to replace aging roadway pavement, add raised bike lake, add permeable paver parking stalls, add more storm sewer. Existing sidewalks and planter beds will be impacted by the project. By the end, this section of Ingersoll will have a consistent look and function as the streetscape between MLK-28th Street. To learn more about the overall goals of the streetscape project, click here.

How many phases of this project are there? Phases 1-3 are complete. Phase 4 will be under construction this year. Phase 5 is currently being designed. Construction schedule of Phases 5-6 is TBD.

What is the timeline for Phase 4? Corell Contractor has been selected for this project. Weather pending, they will start construction this spring and complete all road work this fall. Plantings and clean-up work may continue in Spring 2025. To see graphics of the anticipated construction stages, click HERE.

How will construction impact traffic on Ingersoll? Engineers have staged the construction project to be as minimally impactful on traffic and on-street parking as possible. Throughout the construction project, two-way traffic will remain operational and on-street parking will be maintained as much as possible. To see graphics of the anticipated construction stages, click HERE.

How will construction impact local businesses? Impacts to businesses will be driveway replacements and reduced on-street parking. Some driveways will be reconstructed outside of business hours if that business only has one point of entry. Please continue to patronize your favorite Ingersoll businesses during this construction period to show your support!

How will parking be impacted by this phase of streetscape? At the end of construction, Ingersoll between 28th-31st will have 35 on-street parking stalls, including 2 ADA parking stalls. The net loss of on-street parking in this phase is 8 spots. Reasons for overall parking stall loss include modern sight-distance standards, adjusted bus stop locations and additional ADA parking.

LEARN MORE: Renowned architect first envisioned Ingersoll streetscape

How does this project make Ingersoll Avenue safer? Phases 1-3 have proven that the streetscape design is effective at lowering traffic speeds on the corridor which improves safety for all users. Amenities like flashing beacon crossings and bump-outs provide additional safety for pedestrians. The new protected bike lanes along the Ingersoll streetscape provide a clear and distinct separation from traffic and increases cyclist visibility, reducing the likelihood of collisions with vehicles. Protected lanes and increased bike infrastructure makes cycling more accessible to a wider range of individuals, including less experienced riders.

Watch the recording of the Feb. 20 meeting to learn more: 

Note – Construction staging for this project has changed since the Feb. 20 meeting. To see graphics of the updated construction stages, click HERE.

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