Streetscape Salsa Garden

The Streetscape Salsa Garden is back in 2024!

Ingersoll Avenue has been home to the community garden – located near the Star Lofts site (2701 Ingersoll Ave) – since 2022.

The Avenues of Ingersoll & Grand partners with the Woodland Heights Neighborhood Association to turn two planter beds on the corridor’s streetscape into urban gardens filled with a variety of tomato and pepper plants. Thank you to The Supply Hive for their donation of plants for this year’s garden.

Once the produce is ready to be harvested, community members and passersby are invited to pick their own vegetables and enjoy them.

If you’d like to learn more about the Streetscape Salsa Garden or partner with us to continue the effort into future years, contact To contribute financially to the Streetscape Salsa Garden, you can make a donation here. All funds will be used to purchase signage, plants and infrastructure such as tomato cages.

Read more about the Streetscape Salsa Garden:

Thanks to our partners!