What sets your business apart on The Avenues?
Knous: We are a nonprofit public foundation, serving area nonprofits, businesses, and donors. Our mission is to improve quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about, and providing leadership on important community issues. We are simply better together.

Kristi Knous- President, Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines
What’s underrated in The Avenues district?
Knous: The walk up and down Grand Avenue in the spring when the trees are in bloom and the scents are strong. There is simply nothing like it!
What’s something someone who does business with you might not realize?
Knous: The Community Foundation is celebrating its 50th birthday this month (July). We’ve been honored to serve our community over those 50 years and have big, exciting hopes, dreams and plans for the future. I find inspiration from the success of those community projects that have become integral parts of the quality of life we enjoy. Projects like The Avenues, which has inspired other neighborhoods and businesses to create a vision for their streetscapes and street design to drive change, collaboration, and development.
Complete this sentence: In the next 10 years, I hope:
Knous: The Avenues of Ingersoll & Grand are filled with flowers, successful local businesses, pedestrian and bike traffic, and even more patios, public art and live music.
What are you totally digging lately?
Knous: We are digging up the Finkbine Mansion front lawn, literally. We’re trying to get the old light posts and fixtures working again. How great will that be to serve as a warm welcome to Grand Avenue?!